's been a while since I posted here. Thanksgiving....really? I figured the Christmas Theme was a little outdated so now we have a makeover.
Let's catch up shall we??...What HAVE the Farnsworth's been up to since Thanksgiving, anyway?
For Christmas we did something bold and actually left town (something we haven't done since our first Christmas together as man and wife). Kevin's parents moved to Snowflake, AZ just after Thanksgiving and we wanted to see their place and "get away" so to speak. Building a house for months and months will do that to you, I suppose.:)
It was fun and exciting to say the least. Snowflake is a cute little town nestled in the Arizona mountain range.
We got a tour of Kevin's old girlfriend's house (well, maybe not EXACTLY his old girlfriend....a friend he says....they kinda dated for like a month). Hey, they dated didn't they??:) It was a very nice house...pretty big with beautiful tile work (her husband lays tile for a living). After having just finished our own tile I was pretty impressed. Tiling is NO fun, especially the floor! (I could write a BIG post on tiling....but I'll spare you).
Anyway, as we walked up to their front door Liz says, "Wow, Mommy, they have a big house! How could they afford this house? must have been on sale." Haha! What does that tell you about us...I wonder?:)
To be continued...