I love weekends...Kevin's home...the kids are home...we have Sunday dinners and watch movies and play games together. This weekend was particularly special, and if I might add, a bit challenging. Special because we were blessed to hear the profound words of our dear Prophet and the Apostles of the Lord. Challenging because poor little Eli had a bad ear infection and I couldn't get to the doctor for insurance reasons. He was burning up Friday night and into Saturday. I was disappointed that I had to miss out on my first ever 5K race in St. George. But I realized that there will be other races and my baby needed me more. So...conquering of the 5K for me will just have to wait.
I made the decision not to get antibiotics for once and see if I could find other ways to cure this ear infection. With the help of the internet and friends comments on Facebook and prayer I tried a couple of things. I am relieved to say that Eli is doing much better and almost back to his normal self...and I didn't have to give him the 10-day dose of antibiotics. A friend of mine had sent me over email a list of uses for peroxide (that big brown bottle with the white lid that you find in the pharmacy). It's incredibly cheap and it does wonders killing bacteria and germs. I have been experimenting with it this last week and I must tell you that I am amazed! Forget about buying expensive "green" cleaners that are supposidly safe for the environment. Just buy a cheap bottle of peroxide and use it for everything! And I mean everything!! Anyway, back to what I was saying...I decided, after reading other's experiences on the internet, that I would try putting a little in Eli's ears and see what happened. Within a few hours he looked liked he felt much better. Then the next day I tried the olive oil, just warmed it a bit in the microwave and used a little dropper to get it in his ear and proceeded to massage his ears by holding his head with both hands, placing my middle fingers behind his ears and pointer fingers by his lobes and stroking down his jaw line several times. I was amazed how it seemed to ease his pain. Today he is doing much better...I think I will need to do the massage with olive oil again...but to me it seems to be really doing the trick.
It's Official
1 day ago
I'm so glad he's doing better. When we were younger, my mom would put vitamin e and garlic oil capsules in our ears then a little piece of a cotton ball to keep it all in. You smell a little, but it always worked. Hopefully he gets better quick. Let me know if you need anything!
Olive oil helped Grace with her last ear infection, too. I love a good home remedy or cheap replacement.
wow, paulette. it's like you're becoming wonderwoman right before our eyes! dangit about the 5K! next time. when you conquer it will be sort of like i conquered one, too. i don't know how. that's just how it will be. :) glad little eli's doing a little better.
wow, paulette. it's like you're becoming wonderwoman right before our eyes! dangit about the 5K! next time. when you conquer it will be sort of like i conquered one, too. i don't know how. that's just how it will be. :) glad little eli's doing a little better.
A 5K??? I can't believe you even considered it! That is totally amazing! You are wonder woman! My mom used to put peroxide in our ears too. We loved to hear it bubble! She also used garlic too. Hope he gets better soon! I would like your list of things to do with peroxide. It sounds interesting! Love ya tons!
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